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Does your dog suffer from red itchy skin? Is your dog food causing this problem? How do you diagnose a food allergy? What are the common causes of food allergies? How can Omuu hypoallergenic dog food help your dog?

What is the Omuu insect protein dog food experience?

In a nutshell, if your dog does suffer from an allergy it means that your dog’s immune system is not functioning correctly. Allergies can present themselves in many different ways with your dog and no one presentation applies to all. Itchy red inflamed skin is the most common sign.

Different areas can be affected depending on your dog but the most common areas are in the arm pits and the underbelly. Your dog can also suffer from allergies down their ear canals, which can lead to excessive shaking and ear infections. Some dogs with allergies suffer from chronic anal gland problems, while other have constant tear staining which may lead to eye infections.

Allergies can also cause gastrointestinal signs. Your dog may suffer from chronic vomiting or diarrhoea. They can have increased flatulence or you may hear the excessive rumbling sounds from your dogs guts.

What Causes Food Allergies?

Proteins are the greatest culprits of food allergies. Chicken and beef proteins are the most common. Dairy and eggs may also cause allergy flare ups. Salmon and lamb both used to be the best protein source for dogs suffering from allergies but unfortunately we are now starting to see dogs becoming allergic to these proteins also, since we are including them in a lot of dog food recipes.

Interestingly, grain allergies are actually extremely rare in dogs. Grain allergies are over represented in a lot of pet food marketing.

How Can You Diagnose a Food Allergy?

The most accurate way of diagnosing a food allergy is through a food elimination trial using a hypoallergenic dog food. This entails putting your dog onto a special diet for a minimum of 12 weeks. This is the minimum amount of time it takes for the old protein sources to leave your dog’s body. It is extremely important that you do not feed anything else during these 12 weeks, which may interact with your dogs immune system (like other protein sources).

If your dog does not suffer from any allergy flare ups, you can accurately diagnose a food allergy. If you want to find out which food your dog is allergic to, you can introduce these common food allergy causes one by one, to see which causes a flare up. Blood testing is an inaccurate way to diagnose a food allergy.

How is Omuu a Perfect Hypoallergenic Dog Food For Allergies?

Omuu uses insect protein as a novel protein source. This is a protein which your dog’s immune system has never come into contact with before. This makes Omuu a perfect hypoallergenic choice for dogs suffering from food allergies. On top of this Omuu contains a high Omega 3 and high anti-oxidant level in the recipe which helps protect the skin barrier and prevent damage.

If your dogs suffers from a gastrointestinal allergy, Omuu has also included a good mix of prebiotic fibres to feed the good bacteria in your dogs gut.

Can My Dog Have Treats With a Food Allergy

It depends on the type of treats. Generally treats make us feel like better pet parents because treats are something we enjoy. If your dog is diagnosed as having a food allergy and requires a hypoallergenic dog food, then it is important not to give your dog any treats for fear of causing a flare up.

Rather, why not take some of your dogs daily ration of Omuu and use this as a treat throughout the day. This method will also help keep your dogs weight stable. If you really want to give something other than Omuu to your dog then I would recommend carrot sticks as a healthy and safe alternative.

Start by placing the bag of carrot sticks into the same press as the previous dog treats.

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