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1. Dog Info

2. Dog Weight

3. Activity Level

4. Condition Score

First, What’s Your Dog’s Name?

Introduce us to your dog!

What Is Your Dog’s Weight?

Measure of energy expended during canine activities
< 1 kg
18 kg
> 50 kg

What Is Your Dog’s Activity Level?

Measure of energy expended during your pet activities



Very High

What Is Your Dog’s Body Condition Score?

Select the image that best describes your dog

Very Thin

Ribs, spine and hips very evident from a distance. No body fat. Obvious loss of muscle mass. Increase the Omuu daily intake by 20%. Consult your Veterinarian if in this category.


Ribs, spine and hips easily visible with little or no fat coverage. Obvious waist. Increase the Omuu daily intake by 10%.


Ribs, spine and hips easily felt under a thin layer of fat. Waistline obvious but not severe with nice gradual curves. Do not change the Omuu daily intake.


Ribs felt with finger pressure under a heavy layer of fat. Difficult to feel spine or pelvis. Waistline not evident. Decrease the Omuu daily intake by 10%.


Ribs, spine and hips not felt under thick layer of fat even with finger pressure. Protruding waist-line. Decrease the Omuu daily intake by 20%.

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